Source and Reserve

Our complimentary quoting and booking service gives you access to our destination expertise at no additional cost, fees or obligation to book.

  • To get started, we will meet to discuss your upcoming vacation in as little or as much detail as you have to offer. Your destination of choice, dates of travel, resorts of interest and theme park preferences (when applicable), and more information about your group including your party size and ages of travelers will be covered. We will also answer any questions you may have about the destinations we offer, the planning process, our agency, or anything else you may be wondering about. This is our chance to get to know you, make recommendations, and begin to plan your most magical experience yet.

  • Once we’ve received all the details for your upcoming vacation, we will begin the sourcing process by gathering all the information and pricing requested in our initial meeting. For some clients, we may be sourcing one specific date range and resort. For others, we may present options for three different date ranges at a particular destination. We might even source two different destinations for the same date range. In every scenario, we will research any and all requested options to ensure you have all the information you need.

  • Now is when the real fun begins! Once all of the information and pricing have been received from the destination(s), we will email you a comprehensive proposal including all requested scenarios for you to review. We will then meet again to discuss the proposal in detail and answer any additional questions you may have, make revisions, and fine tune your selections based on your feedback.

  • It’s time for everyone’s favorite part - reserving (or “booking”) your vacation! Palm, Park & Sea Travel will reserve your selected vacation itinerary at no additional cost or fees. We will also monitor your vacation package up to your departure date to ensure you are receiving the best possible pricing, taking advantage of any promotions or special deals that would affect your pricing over your dates of travel. Leading up to your vacation, we are also available to you at any time to answer questions or make changes when possible. All you have to do is count down the days until your most magical experience begins!

How we work with you

  • Initial phone call to discuss your upcoming vacation and everything your group is looking for, with as little or as much detail as you have

  • Obtain quotes from resorts, destinations, or cruise ships including theme park ticket pricing (if applicable)

  • Detailed proposal with all requested options included

  • Additional phone calls to discuss proposal, answer questions and fine tune any options presented

  • Reserve your selected itinerary at no additional cost to you

  • Continual monitoring of your vacation package to ensure you are taking advantage of any sales or discounts being offered for your time of travel

Includes the following

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a little bit of Pixie Dust?

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